YBLN is business group making a network community into a global network of Young Korean Business Leaders from all over the world based on trust.
YBLN MISSIONCompetent entrepreneurs contribute to social development through continued learning and growth in a mutual exchange full of fellowship.
YBLN Right peoplePride as a Korean
Global mind
Comply with YBLN Vision & Mission, Well thought of entrepreneur in your country
In 2002, the Young Business Leaders Forum (YBLF) created the “Economic Leaders for the Next Generation Forum” as part of the annual “World Korean Business Convention”. The forum was created to gather Korean young adult businessmen from all over the world and to openly exchange opinions and information among each other. Over the years, YBLF developed a wider perspective which culminated at the 2007“World Korean Business Convention” held in Busan. At this conference, many participants experienced strong sympathy and fellowship within the community and had a desire to develop this informal group into a formal broader, globally networking organization. Following the event, a group of charter members agreed to create the “YBLF Reunion” group led by Young-gwan Lee. By 2008, following the “World Korean Business Convention” in Jeju, the YBLF participants voted to appoint Young-gwan Lee as the first official chairman and formally named the new group YBLN, “Young Business Leaders Network”.